Degree Requirements

Total minimum credit requirement to complete the program

  • For this 4-year B.A. in English, a total of 123 credits are required.

Minimum CGPA requirements for Undergraduate:

B.A. in English degree requirements are provided in the following:

(a) Completion of minimum 41 courses (123 credit hours)
(b) Completion of the dissertation work with at least a “C” grade
(c) Passing all courses separately and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.00

Degree is not conferred necessarily on fulfilment of the above conditions. The university
reserves the right to refuse the award of a degree on disciplinary and other grounds.

Maximum academic years of completion:

For the completion of B.A. in English, 4-year is required, but, if necessary, a candidate must have to obtain the degree within a maximum 7 (Seven) years.

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